About Us
My wife Maree and I have been passionate harness racing enthusiasts for almost forty years, our journey so far covering breeding, training and driving. Our daughter Holi is an avid showjumper but enjoys all things equine. During my work as an equine dentist, I often hear humorous tales and it was during one such yarn that I thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to bring these stories to the modern era of social media?”
As a result, I was offered the opportunity by Harness Racing Victoria to do a monthly podcast, Tooth Be Told, which allowed me to bring some interesting yarns to everyone to enjoy.
I’m a frequent host at harness racing meetings and perform on-track interviews for individual clubs across Australia, New Zealand and even Great Britain. I provide real-time social media interaction through both Facebook, YouTube and X.
We also do regular Stable Chat interviews and the shows On Loose Lines, Talking Trotters and Over The Ditch. We never rest though – there’s more projects in the pipeline. We’re passionate about breeding too and work to bring the best of the yearling sales and various studs to you, our viewer.
Since 2019, I’ve produced over 250 webcasts and podcasts for a wide range of clients and a broad set of program formats. As well as loving every minute of the process, I’ve now twice been recognised with Harness Racing Australia Joseph Coulter Excellence media award trophies, one for Excellence in Social Media Usage & Innovation in 2019 and for Promotion in 2020.
We pride ourselves on having Industry Leaders Woodlands Stud, Barastoc, Nutrien Equine Standardbred, Haras des Trotteurs and NZB Standardbred supporting us on our journey and with their continued commitment we will continue to grow.